Monday, March 10, 2014

Chapter One

                                                                Devin & Trechial
Devin stared out at the gorgeous view at Main view Dr, thoughts of being back home swirled around in his head . The sun was setting over the mountains in the distance leaving the sky an array of pinks, oranges and blues and the air was cool and crisp. Tomorrow was his last last year at Trenton High School and also the last year he would get to spend day after day with his best friend since he was three years old, Trechial Winters. There was so much he wanted to share with her about summer break and he also wanted to know what she had done over summer break minus the parts about her spending time with Amos Avery, her boyfriend. But then again, how selfish is that that he didnt want to hear about Amos but he did want to tell Trechial about Angie, his new girlfriend. Devin knew Trechial had had feelings for him before but when he confronted her about them on the last day of school she denied it and laughed it off asking "Where did you hear that from?" and walked away and he hadnt talked to her since. Devin sighed, Trechial could be so daunting at times with the mixed signals she sent his way thats why he decided to move on because he was tiered of waiting for Trechial to see him as more than a friend so meeting Angie at a Guitar class over the summer while at his Uncle Alexandros home was the perfect ailment to get over Trechial or so he thought. Being with Angie was refreshing and exhilarating, she was beautiful, tan skin, big hazel baby doll eyes, long auburn hair and a sultry Spanish accent . They were also interested in some of the same things such as guitar playing, singing, art, horse back riding and Hockey just to name a few. Angie was an amazing girl but she wasnt Trechial and although he loved Angie it was no where near the type of love he had for his best friend and he was hoping that over time being with Angie would sever the intense bond that he had with Trechial, at least through this school year then he would be going to college and he wouldn't have to see Trechial on a daily basis.

The late bell rang loudly as Trechial raced to her homeroom she had stayed up late trying to break up with Amos over hearing another infidelity rumor for like the 7th time that summer. She was tired of girls calling her house hanging up the phone in her face and yelling racial slurs at her, or cursing her out every chance they got, or giving her dirty looks it just wasnt worth it any more besides if she was going to go through all this bull crap she might as well go through it for the person she loved right? But then again Devin didnt love her he liked her that much she knew but it wasnt enough for her she wanted his heart not his like! She wondered if Devin was still mad at her? Trechial shook her head free of ll diverting thoughts and focused on getting to class once she reached the class she slowly turned the handle and entered, everyone was standing around talking to friends while Mr. Craig had his feet propped up on the desk reading a news paper. She walked past all the familiar faces making sure to stop and say hey to a few friends before grabbing a seat at the far left in the back of the class room. She scanned the room for Devin but didnt see him which meant they had a different homerooms this year, she placed her back pack on the floor and laid her head on the cool surface of the desk "Get a grip Trechial!" she said to herself as she took deep breaths. "So what if yall arent in the same homeroom this year...yall live right down the street from each other. So what if he doesnt love you the way you love least he likes you besides yall are best friends and thats good enough!"  Why did her thoughts have to be so loud and right!she moaned.
"Whats wrong mini?" Devin's deep voice penetrated through her like a knife through butter.
Trechial slowly lifted her head up his green eyes gazing into her brown ones. A smirk upon his full lips he was kneeling at her desk.
 Why did he have to be so damn fine? Devin had to be the finest dude in Trenton High, his 5'10 medium slightly muscular build, olive tone skin, black shoulder length hair that was pulled back in a tousled ponytail, perfect teeth and he had even grown a goatee over the summer.  "Hi." she managed to say sitting straight up.
"Hi? You havent seen me in two and a half better get your butt up and hug me young lady!" He stood up and opened his arms she got up and into his arms she went. "I missed you girl." he said into her hair.
"I missed you too Casmere." she said happy to be where she belonged. 
"Have a seat Winters and Casmere!" Mr. Craig said looking at them shaking his head.
They pulled apart and smiled not knowing just what type of year they were in for.

Lunch. Devin and Trechial sat in their favorite spot which was on a metal bench in the far back of the courtyard. Devin glanced at Trechial who was staring out into the courtyard, Damn she was beautiful! Stop it, you have a girlfriend! "So, what did you do over the summer?" he asked.
Trechial smiled before looking at him, "Make and Break-Up with Amos. What about you?" she raised an eyebrow.
 Devin glanced out into the courtyard then back at Trechial

Originally wrote 3/11/14 @ 2:38

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